Comics · Queer

Review: “Loki: Agent of Asgard #2”

Let’s jump straight in, shall we?

Issue #2 is called “Speed Dating,” and opens with a parade of men sitting down at the speed-dating table and being told to leave because they’re lying. Then, this:

Loki: Agent of Asgard #2

I’m not sure why I like it so much, it’s just really good. I think I was wondering if Loki was the one sitting at the table, but this introduction tells us so much about the woman who is sitting at the table.

Next page:

Loki: Agent of Asgard #2 Verity

I’m stoked.

Note from hindsight, the chatting-during-speed-dating forms a framing story for what happened with Lorelei beforehand.


Loki: Agent of Asgard #2

This is how the All-Mother communicates, apparently. I don’t think I’ve mentioned, but don’t forget there’s a triple-goddess boss lady in this comic! So far the symbol of authority in the book is three women, so that’s pretty cool I hope.


Loki: Agent of Asgard #2 Lorelei

There’s a pretty traditional sexy-cat-burglar sequence with Lorelei and two of her friends. She uses pretty traditional sexymagic on an Interpol agent, as shown here. Show me something different and less prone to sexism!


Loki: Agent of Asgard #2 Trixie

Oohhhh. That’s different. And hint number 2 that Loki is genderfluid. And almost really more than a hint because of THIS:

Loki: Agent of Asgard #2 I'm always myself


Although then there’s a weird reference to how Loki never would’ve spent so much time in a female(?) body when he was old-creepy-Loki. Hm.


Lorelei escapes from Loki during the heist, so Loki just steals all the money himself. Hehehe.


OMG! I just assumed the woman at the table was Lorelei and Loki had taken her memory of the heist somehow. But no, it’s not! Lorelei is at speed dating, but at another table… This woman is Verity. No one can tell her a lie, and she doesn’t know why that is. Loki just wanted to know why Verity could see through his disguise.

Loki: Agent of Asgard #2 There are people in this world who'll never lie to you

…aaaaand then it turns out Loki’s putting together a team, including Lorelei, for a heist of his own, but he doesn’t tell us what.


Final Thoughts:

I actually thought I’d bought the wrong comic. The previously-on-Loki page talked a lot about Loki killing his younger self and taking him over, and it’s mentioned again in the book. Apparently that happened pre-series and is an established fact, they just neglected to mention it in the first issue. That’s annoying and now I feel like I missed something. However, must press on.

I really enjoyed the story, it’s told well and easily. It reminded me of something like a Leverage episode, with all the fun and jumping-back-and-forth that entails.

I don’t like Lorelei. She’s stereotypical, for one thing, but she also pushes all the buttons I don’t like in a character, and we’ll just leave it at that. Verity is interesting, though, and I hope she comes back sooner rather than later. So, it was hit and miss this issue, but I’m still pretty excited on the whole.

4 thoughts on “Review: “Loki: Agent of Asgard #2”
