
Flash Fiction: A Station 6 Garden Party

As usual, I’m squeaking in at the end of Taliana’s party. The theme this time is a Garden Party, so I figured it would be fun to revisit my space station characters from several parties ago. And apparently when I think “Garden Party,” I think “Alice in Wonderland.” Also, I had a bit of a…… Continue reading Flash Fiction: A Station 6 Garden Party


Freestyle Writing Challenge – Smoggy Alien Giants

Melissa Barker-Simpson tagged me for the Freestyle Writing Challenge! I followed the rules (below) and I didn’t check my prompt until time to write. I wasn’t sure if it was meant to be fiction or non — it’s not in the rules. Melissa’s prompt seemed more fiction-y, but my nominees can do either. Here’s her prompt:…… Continue reading Freestyle Writing Challenge – Smoggy Alien Giants


Flash Fiction: “Rawr!”

One of Nerd in the Brain’s summer challenges is “Write a short story about a dinosaur meeting an alien.” I happen to have a character who’s an alien dinosaur, so my first thought was “Gamma meeting himself!” and I wrote up a little story about it. Enjoy! Gamma had always loved dinosaurs. When he was little, he’d…… Continue reading Flash Fiction: “Rawr!”