Comics · Sci-Fi

Review: Resident Alien series by Peter Hogan

Resident Alien is a space opera/mystery graphic novel series by Peter Hogan, and I love it. There are four volumes so far, with a fifth coming out in November, all from Dark Horse. Each is published as a miniseries and then a trade paperback, so it’s easy to follow what to read next. Each volume has a…… Continue reading Review: Resident Alien series by Peter Hogan

Comics · Queer · Sci-Fi

Review: Intro to Alien Invasion by Owen King and Mark Jude Poirier

Stacey, a brilliant, overachieving astrobiology major at Fenton College, had planned on just another lonely Spring Break on campus. But when a hurricane batters the small college town, downing power lines and knocking out cell phone reception, Stacey and her friends are stranded with no way to communicate with the outside world at the worst…… Continue reading Review: Intro to Alien Invasion by Owen King and Mark Jude Poirier

Children's & Middle Grade · Sci-Fi

Recapping the I Was a Sixth Grade Alien series by Bruce Coville

Bruce Coville was, in the 1990s, a leading member of the kids’ scifi and fantasy pantheon. He probably still is, there’s a lot of YA and middle grade these days but seems like not as much for the younger kids. The I Was a Sixth Grade Alien series isn’t his best in terms of quality, but I…… Continue reading Recapping the I Was a Sixth Grade Alien series by Bruce Coville

Nonfiction · Sci-Fi · TV & Movies

Review: Vulcan (Hidden Universe Travel Guides) by Dayton Ward

So there’s a travel guide for the planet Vulcan from Star Trek. As a hardcore Vulcan-obsessed Trekkie, of course I wanted to check it out. I didn’t have high hopes, I just expected it to be mildly amusing and nicely designed — it’s from Insight Editions, which publishes a lot of TV and film art…… Continue reading Review: Vulcan (Hidden Universe Travel Guides) by Dayton Ward

Adult Fiction · Sci-Fi

At the Mountains of Madness by H.P. Lovecraft (Classics Club)

The Classic: At the Mountains of Madness (1936) by H.P. Lovecraft When a geologist leads an expedition to the Antarctic plateau, his aim is to find rock and plant specimens from deep within the continent. The barren landscape offers no evidence of any life form – until they stumble upon the ruins of a lost…… Continue reading At the Mountains of Madness by H.P. Lovecraft (Classics Club)

Sci-Fi · TV & Movies

Star Trek Column: TNG First Impressions

Pleasantly surprised by “Encounter at Farpoint,” I take the opportunity to list all the things I thought about it, compared to Star Trek’s past and with the rest of Star Trek: The Next Generation in mind. Also there’s a My Little Pony meme. Star Trek: The Next Generation, First Impressions on Comparative Geeks


Freestyle Writing Challenge – Smoggy Alien Giants

Melissa Barker-Simpson tagged me for the Freestyle Writing Challenge! I followed the rules (below) and I didn’t check my prompt until time to write. I wasn’t sure if it was meant to be fiction or non — it’s not in the rules. Melissa’s prompt seemed more fiction-y, but my nominees can do either. Here’s her prompt:…… Continue reading Freestyle Writing Challenge – Smoggy Alien Giants


Alien August!

So I created a race of hedonistic cloud people for Alien August over at Check it out! The competition runs until the end of August, so there’s still time to submit an alien profile if you’re interested. I’m trying not to come up with story ideas about the clouds, but it’s a losing battle…


Flash Fiction: “Rawr!”

One of Nerd in the Brain’s summer challenges is “Write a short story about a dinosaur meeting an alien.” I happen to have a character who’s an alien dinosaur, so my first thought was “Gamma meeting himself!” and I wrote up a little story about it. Enjoy! Gamma had always loved dinosaurs. When he was little, he’d…… Continue reading Flash Fiction: “Rawr!”