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Book Blogger Memory Challenge

I found this tag on Reading As I Am and the rules are very easy: Answer the questions before you read my answers! I went from memory, but confirmed specific titles or authors’ names via Google. I tag everyone who wants to do it, as usual!

Q1: Name a book written by an author called Michael.
Q2: Name a book with a dragon on the cover.
Q3: Name a book about a character called George.
Q4: Name a book written by an author with the surname Smith.
Q5: Name a book set in Australia.
Q6: Name a book with the name of a month in the title.
Q7: Name a book with a knife on the cover.
Q8: Name a book with the word ‘one’ in the title.
Q9: Name a book with a eponymous title.
Q10: Name a book turned into a movie.

Q1: Name a book written by an author called Michael.

Sphere by Michael Crichton. I remember loving this, it’s a Big Dumb Object scifi novel that was turned into a movie with Dustin Hoffman, but I’ve forgotten all the details.

Sphere cover

Q2: Name a book with a dragon on the cover.

Havemercy by Jaida Jones and Danielle Bennett, with an awesome steampunk-style dragon!

Havemercy cover

Q3: Name a book about a character called George.

A Single Man by Christopher Isherwood. I actually preferred the movie version in which Colin Firth plays George.

A Single Man cover

Q4: Name a book written by an author with the surname Smith.

The magnificent Bone saga by Jeff Smith!

Bone cover

Q5: Name a book set in Australia.

A Note in the Margin by Isabelle Rowan, a gay romance I’ve had laying around for ages and still haven’t read.

A Note in the Margin cover

Q6: Name a book with the name of a month in the title.

Always October by Bruce Coville, which I am currently reading for Halloween!

Always October cover

Q7: Name a book with a knife on the cover.

Martin the Warrior by Brian Jacques, although jury’s out on whether that’s a knife or a sword.

Martin the Warrior cover

Q8: Name a book with the word ‘one’ in the title.

Sex Criminals Vol. 1: One Weird Trick by Matt Fraction. This took way longer than it should have, all I could think of were titles including the word “once.”

One Weird Trick cover

Q9: Name a book with a eponymous title.

I’m not sure what this means except a book named after the main character? In which case I choose the book I just finished, the novelization of the movie Willow, by Wayland Drew. But it’s a really bad book.

Willow cover

Q10: Name a book turned into a movie.

The Coldest City by Antony Johnston, which became the movie Atomic Blonde. The movie was better by faaaar.

The Coldest City cover

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