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Complete C.S. Lewis Reading List

C.S. Lewis headshot

You wouldn’t think it would be that complicated to compile a list of all C.S. Lewis’s books in chronological order, but it totally is. I found a few helpful aids online (linked below), but nothing quite like what I wanted. So, fellow Googlers, here it is in all its glory. I took the easy way out and put several of the essay collections at the very end, instead of trying to file individual essays into the chronology.

I’ll be reading all of these books in order, starting in May. Feel free to read along, read behind, read ahead, read occasionally, or just comment from memory or opinion — I’d love y’all to participate and I really don’t care how! The breakdown for the next few months can be found underneath the list. (Also, I’m taking submissions regarding witty titles for the blog series. Winners will be thanked profusely and, if applicable, linked to in the next Lewis post).

I’ve included some of the supplemental materials I plan to look at during the project, in order. I do have another short list of biographies, scholarship, inspired-by-Lewis books, etc., that I plan to read after the project itself, but what do you recommend? Favorite biographies, analytical essays, novelties? Let me know in the comments.


Title Date Genre  
Boxen 1900 Fiction/Supplemental
Phantastes (George MacDonald)  Supplemental
Spirits in Bondage 1919 Poetry
The Inklings of Oxford  Supplemental
All My Road Before Me: The Diary of C. S. Lewis 1922–27
Dymer 1926 Poetry
Narrative Poems of C.S. Lewis 1930ish Poetry
Poems various Poetry
The Everlasting Man (GK Chesterton)  Supplemental
Collected Letters Vol. 1 1905-1931 1931 Letters
The Pilgrim’s Regress 1933 Fiction – Adult
The Allegory of Love 1936 Academic
Out of the Silent Planet 1938 Fiction – Adult – Scifi
The Dark Tower and Other Stories  Fiction – fragments
The Personal Heresy 1939 Academic
Rehabilitations and Other Essays 1939 Academic
The Problem of Pain 1940 Nonfiction
Mere Christianity part 1 – The Case for Christianity 1942 Nonfiction
The Screwtape Letters 1942 Fiction – Adult
Preface to Paradise Lost 1942 Academic
Perelandra 1943 Fiction – Adult – Scifi
The Abolition of Man 1943 Nonfiction
Mere Christianity part 2 – Christian Behavior 1943 Nonfiction
Mere Christianity part 3 – Beyond Personality 1944 Nonfiction
The Great Divorce 1945 Fiction – Adult
That Hideous Strength 1945 Fiction – Adult – Scifi
George Macdonald: An Anthology 1946 Nonfiction
Essays Presented to Charles Williams 1947 Academic
Miracles 1947 Nonfiction
Arthurian Torso 1948 Academic
Collected Letters Vol. 2 1931-1949 1949 Letters
The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe 1950 Fiction – Juvenile
Prince Caspian 1951 Fiction – Juvenile
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader 1952 Fiction – Juvenile
The Silver Chair 1953 Fiction – Juvenile
The Horse and His Boy 1954 Fiction – Juvenile
Reading the Classics with C.S. Lewis  Supplemental
English Literature in the Sixteenth Century 1954 Academic
Major British Writers, Vol. 1 1954 Academic
Surprised by Joy 1955 Nonfiction
The Magician’s Nephew 1955 Fiction – Juvenile
The Last Battle 1956 Fiction – Juvenile
A Year with Aslan  Supplemental
Knowing Aslan  Supplemental
Narnia movies – various  Supplemental
Other Narnia essays, etc.
C.S. Lewis and Narnia for Dummies  Supplemental
Planet Narnia  Supplemental
The Narnia Cookbook  Supplemental
Of Other Worlds 1950s Academic
Till We Have Faces 1956 Fiction – Adult
Reflections on the Psalms 1958 Nonfiction
The Four Loves 1960 Nonfiction
Studies in Words 1960 Academic
The World’s Last Night and Other Essays 1960 Nonfiction
A Grief Observed 1961 Nonfiction
Shadowlands [movie]  Supplemental
An Experiment in Criticism 1961 Academic
They Asked for a Paper 1962 Academic
Posthumous publications
Letters to Malcolm 1963 Nonfiction
Collected Letters Vol. 3 1950-1963 1963 Letters
The Latin Letters of C.S. Lewis various Letters
Letters to an American Lady various Letters
The Discarded Image: An Introduction to Medieval and Renaissance Literature 1964 Academic
Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Literature 1966 Academic
Essay Collection: Faith, Christianity and the Church various Nonfiction
Essay Collection: Literature, Philosophy and Short Stories various Academic
Compelling Reason: Essays on Ethics and Theology Nonfiction
Selected Literary Essays various Academic
God in the Dock various Nonfiction
The Weight of Glory various Nonfiction

Helpful aid: C.S. Lewis Chronology:

11 thoughts on “Complete C.S. Lewis Reading List

  1. I would recommend adding Apuleius’ “Cupid and Psyche” for supplemental reading when you get to Til We Have Faces (in fact, I’d read it first, before Lewis); it’s in a book called The Golden Ass, if you can’t find it on its own.

